Kidneys are bean-shaped organs that purify blood in the human body. Any dysfunctioning in the kidneys disrupts the functioning of the entire body. Kidney Cancer, also called renal cancer occurs when cells in the kidney mutate. This unwanted and uncontrollable mutation leads to cell growth that eventually forms a tumour or damaged tissues. Most of the time it is curable if detected at an early stage when the cancer is underdeveloped. If cancer spreads beyond kidneys then it becomes difficult to treat and is challenging for the doctor to cure the patients. With the blessing of advanced medical research and development, technology has now made it possible to cure kidney cancer even if it is detected at an advanced stage.
For patients with acute kidney problems hemodialysis is the only way of treatment until a proper transplant surgery. Therefore it is impossible for such patients to discontinue the process of dialysis at any cost. The Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC) has thus come up with a set of rules and regulations as well as special facilities in order to aid the requirements of hemodialysis patients. This new set of rules and regulations has been sent to every state’s health facilities which demand hospitals and clinics with dialysis facilities to take certain precaution and care of the employees as well as patients. This initiative by CDC has ensured the continuation of hemodialysis, the only life supporting procedure for kidney patients.
Though it is very hard to figure out which risk factor leads to kidney cancer yet some common risk factors in kidney cancer may include
Some people find it very difficult to eat during kidney cancer as they might lose their appetite but it is a must to take good nutrition during the cancer treatment. Intake of nutrients and calories will help them to regain the weight they have lost during the treatment and will also give them physical strength.