Sports injuries are injuries occurring during physical activity. It could happen while exercising or during a sport or game. Mostly kids, but adults can get them too when they haven’t been exercising regularly, do not adequately warm up before exercise or while playing contact sports.

Types of Injuries

  • Sprains are results of overstretching or torn ligaments. The tissue connecting two bones to form a joint is called a ligament.
  • Strains are the outcome of overstretched or torn muscles or tendons, the fibrous, thick tissue that helps connecting bone to muscle.
  • Knee Injuries interferes and disrupts how the knee moves that could be a sports injury or otherwise. Ir could for any of the reasons from overstretching or a muscle or tissue tear in the knee.
  • Achilles tendon rupture is a powerful, significant, thin tendon that’s present at the back of the ankle. This could break or rupture during a game making it difficult for the person to walk and causing sudden unbearable pain.
  • Swollen Muscles are usually painful and weak and are a reaction to an injury or internal issue.
  • Dislocations are situations where a bone is dispositioned from its original position due to a sports injury. In such a situation, doe to aggressive force or pressure, the bone is pushed out of the socket leading to immense pain, swelling and weakness.
  • Fractures are broken bones that cause immense pain and could completely disrupt any further movement.
  • Rotator cuff injury is a tear in any of the four muscles that work together to form a rotator cuff. The tear in the muscle weakens the rotator cuff and makes shoulder movement in all directions difficult.


Most of the sports injuries have immediate discomfort or pain. Except for over-exertion injuries which cause long term damage and are detected by routine checkups usually, the normal diagnosis involves:

  • Medical history is a classic technique used by doctors to evaluate the kind of injury. The procedure involves questions on how the injury happened, the activity that leads to the injury, what has been done with the injury since it happened, etc. For first time visits, the doctor’s make even more detailed queries.
  • Physical examination is a prima facie examination by moving the joint or body part to see how painlessly and smoothly the area is moving.
  • Imaging tests like CT scans, X-rays, MRI’s and ultrasounds help the motors and other health care experts look inside the body. This facilitates a better evaluation of the injury and its diagnosis.

Sports Injury Treatment

The most common form of a treatment regime for sports injury is RICE: Rest-Ice-Compression-Elevation. This is for mild injuries wherein the RICE method is followed 24-36 hours after injury to reduce swelling, pain and bruising in the early days.

However, when the injury feels or looks severe a doctors consultation is urgent and unavoidable. Some symptoms that make a doctor visit mandatory are:

  • Lumps, bumps or other deformities
  • Severe swelling and pain
  • Weakness or inability to put pressure on joint
  • Instability
  • Crunching sound while moving the joint. Or when experiencing dizziness, fever or difficult breathing after the injury.

Blue bliss hospital has the most dependable team of medical professionals with a vivid history of treating and curing sports injuries with different level and varieties of criticality. The team conducts in a patient-centric approach so that injuries are minutely observed and treating while safeguarding the future fitness of the patients. Our doctors depend on their skill, experience and compassion to heal patients of their casual or critical injuries with the focus of getting them back on the field, fit and fine!