Clinical Presentation of Covid-19

Individuals whose results for Covid-19 tests show positive, although they don’t show any of the symptoms reported clinically by Covid-19 patients are categorized as the ones with asymptomatic infection.

Asymptomatic Infection

Individuals whose results for Covid-19 tests show positive, although they don’t show any of the symptoms reported clinically by Covid-19 patients are categorized as the ones with asymptomatic infection.

  • Chest X-rays and CT scans of these individuals do not show any signs of the Corona Virus infection.
  • Although debatable, it is now being established that patients with an asymptomatic infection have lower chances of transmission as the absence of coughing and fever makes it less likely for the virus to spread.
  • It is difficult to trace asymptomatic patients and rapid tests in all suspected geographical areas are therefore suggested.

Mild Infection

In some cases Covid-19 infected patients may display symptoms of a viral infection in the upper respiratory tract. Most of these patients are said to be mildly infected by the corona virus.

  • Symptoms include dry cough, nasal congestion, headache, mild fever, sore throat, and malaise and muscle pain.
  • Dyspnea or shortness of breath is sharply absent in such patients and in fact, if a mildly infected patient show symptoms of dyspnea, it will be escalated to severe infection cases.
  • According to studies, 81% of the covid-19 patients worldwide are suffering from mild infection.
  • There are high chances of mildly infected patients to become sever to critically ill. Hence, it is important to maintain constant monitoring.

Moderate Infection

Patients having clinical signs of pneumonia are generally taken under the category of moderately infected covid-19 patients.

  • Their symptoms include respiratory problems, dry cough, shortness of breath and tachypnea along with persistent fever.
  • Not all patients in this category reveals major symptoms, however, chest x-rays and CT scans may reveal pulmonary lesions typical to covid-19 infection.

Severe Infection

Patients testing positive for covid-19 along with ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) are the severely infected individuals in this disease.

  • These individuals suffer from severe pneumonia along with sepsis or sepsis shock.
  • It needs to be clinically diagnosed with the help of radiographic studies.
  • Severe infection can initially be tracked by measuring the blood oxygen saturation level that falls sharply in this case.
  • Fever can be moderate or absent even among patients with severe infection.

Critical Infection

When the ARDS gets worse affecting other organs and resulting in heart attacks, patients are considered to be critically infected by the Covid-19 virus.

  • Multiple organ failure along with encephalopathy and myocardial injury can cause a patient to be in the most critical situation of this infection.
  • Ventilation and necessary medical assistances are required to help patients survive this extent of infection.