

While it is a general understanding among all of us that whoever is fat is considered obese, it is actually the BMI or Body Mass Index that determines the exact percentage of Obesity. Men, Women and Children are all prone to Obesity. The reasons for this could be many and vary from lack of physical activity to hormonal imbalance. Sedentary lifestyles and eating habits also are major contributors to obesity. To understand the percentage of Obesity, your doctor might recommend certain tests which include physical tests, blood tests and measuring your weight circumference. However, for those of you who present a BMI >40, your doctors will usually advise a surgical intervention. The surgery is referred to as Obesity surgery or Bariatric Surgery.

What is Obesity Surgery?

Before getting into this, it will be useful for all of you to understand certain weight loss strategies which can prove useful. It is important for us to keep our weight within prescribed limits.

Diet: It is essential to follow a strict diet routine as suggested by your doctors. Including fruits, vegetables and whole-grain carbohydrates is a great choice. Move your mind away from fatty and spicy diet.

Exercise: Physical activity can go a long way in helping you keep your weight in check. A regular, routine and strict work out for about 30-45 minutes will just be great to support your efforts.

Coming back to another successful option tried by many is an Obesity Surgery.

Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric or Obesity Surgery has proven to be the preferred option for people who would quickly like to shed those extra kilos and get back to looking healthy and confident. It is usually the most recommended option by doctors if other alternate ways haven’t worked and your BMI continues to be at alarming levels. Through this surgery, your doctor will work on your stomach and digestive system so that they can absorb only limited amount of food and nutrients.

What are the different kinds of Bariatric Surgeries?

There are two categories which constitute a gastric bypass surgery

  • Sleeve Gastrectomy
    GI Surgery Procedures

In this procedure, part of the stomach is removed, creating a smaller reservoir for food.

  • (Roux-en-Y) Gastric Bypass Surgery (RYGB)
    GI Surgery Procedures

In this procedure, the stomach is divided into a small pouch and the small intestine is “rearranged” to connect to this small stomach pouch. Food and liquid can now flow directly from the pouch into this part of the intestine, bypassing most of your stomach.

Do you require a Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric Surgery is a proven surgical option to reduce weight loss. Blue Bliss Hospitals in Bangalore is one of the most well-equipped hospitals, both infrastructure and medical expertise wise. A team of subject matter experts with proven experience and know-how of latest medical technology, assist you and make you feel comfortable, tight from the time you ntire the hospital till you are safely discharged.

Are you fit to undergo Bariatric Surgery?

Our competent medical team will assess you completely before going ahead with the surgery. At Blue Bliss Hospitals, you are in safe hands with extraordinary healthcare combined with exceptional technology.