
Kidney diseases and Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

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Worried about various kidney problems affecting your pregnancy? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the most transformative experiences a woman can possibly have. But it can be extremely challenging for women with pre-existing health conditions. In this blog, we will have a quick look at various kidney problems in pregnancy and the precautions to be taken.

How does pregnancy affect kidneys?

Individually, pregnancy and kidney diseases are very hard on the body. When combined, kidney diseases during pregnancy can be extremely demanding and would require a lot of strength and patience. During this time, family support and care are absolutely necessary. The female body undergoes many drastic and significant changes during pregnancy. Some of these are as follows:

Pregnancy and kidney

The entire female body adjusts itself during pregnancy. It is common knowledge that the strain on the kidneys increases when a woman conceives or gets pregnant. The reason behind this is the increase in the blood volume that needs to be filtered. If the kidneys do not function properly, this leads to a very toxic accumulation of waste in the body. The effect of this unhealthy build-up can be fatal for the entire body. Let us now understand the possible complications or risks:

Preventive tips

Always remember the basics as they make most of the difference. Some of the preventive tips are:  


First of all, a successful pregnancy is absolutely possible, even with kidney diseases. You need to closely monitor your health and take into consideration the advice of your healthcare provider. Before trying to conceive, make sure you are aware of all the possible risks and complications and are ready to deal with them. The only thing you need to do is stay consistent. Be it in terms of your healthy eating habits, medications, exercise, and so on. Small lifestyle changes can make a huge difference.

Blue Bliss Hospital is home to Bangalore’s best nephrologist, who is highly experienced in dealing with high-risk pregnancies. If you are suffering from any kidney diseases and want to plan your pregnancy, be sure to book an appointment.

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