
Essential Facts About Chronic Kidney Disease

Essential Facts About Chronic Kidney Disease
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Causes of CKD

Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease

Generally, CKD does not have many symptoms in the early stages. However, in the subsequent stages, one might experience a deterioration in health conditions when the kidney functioning nears ESRD (End-Stage Renal Disease). Some of the chief symptoms include:

Treatment for CKD

There is no permanent cure for CKD. However, if detected in early stages, medications and a healthy diet can be a check for the damage. However, when CKD reaches its final stage (ESRD), doctors recommend dialysis or kidney transplantation in order to revive the normal functioning of kidneys.

Dialysis: There are two types of dialysis-

Kidney Transplant:Patients with severe CKD necessarily go through kidney transplantation. A healthy kidney is implanted in the patient’s body and the damaged kidney is operated out.

For the best advice and a quality treatment on kidney diseases, it is important to reach out to a good nephrologist. There are some of India’s best Nephrology hospitals in Bangalore. People from within Bangalore and outside the city come to consult kidney specialists in Bangalore because they have a promising record of care and cure.

Preventive Measures for Kidney Disease

Kidney diseases can be avoided to some extent if you try to maintain a few healthy habits in your daily routine like.

Top nephrologists in Bangalore and across the globe repeatedly say that a few healthy changes in your lifestyle can smoothen the functioning of kidneys along with all other organs.

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